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Emergency Services

Storm Damage Relief, Restoration & Recovery

We lead the way in Disaster Restoration & Recovery Services

When disaster strikes, we’re there for you. Our Emergency Services Team (EST) provides emergency services 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. At Venture Construction Group of Florida (VCGFL), we have over 20 years of experience. We’ve been leading the industry since 1998 and we’re equipped and ready to help. If you have storm damage, we help you recover quickly and efficiently, with the most minimal interruption to your business. Our expert crews provide a comprehensive storm damage inspection, accompanied by a detailed scope of work, bid, photos and full restoration and repairs. From a minor roofing repair to major restoration on multiple buildings, we’ve got you covered.

Rapid Emergency Management Services

Concierge Emergency Response (ERA) Agreement

We provide a custom Emergency Response Agreement (ERA) that includes everything you need in the event of a major storm or weather event including a Risk Management Plan, Disaster Recovery Plan, and Contingency Plan.

Commercial / Industrial Restoration Services

Accredited Storm Damage Repair Experts

We stay ahead of the curve and proudly carry leading accreditations, certifications, and memberships to provide the most advanced services and exceed best practices.